2.1.0 - 20.03.2024
Added new SEO report test: HTTP/2
Added new SEO report test: HTST
Added new SEO report test: DOCTYPE
Added new Tool: Uptime Calculator
Added new Tool: Meta Tags Checker
Added new Tool: HTTP Headers Checker
Added new Authentication system: Google Account
Added new Authentication system: Microsoft Account
Added new Authentication system: Apple Account
Added new Captcha driver: hCaptcha
Added new Captcha driver: Turnstile
Added new social profile footer links: LinkedIn, Github, Discord, Reddit, Threads, TikTok, Tumblr, Pinterest
Added User's Preferences to the Account API endpoint
Added Category filters to Tools section
Added a short description to every Tool
Improved the codebase (code refactoring)
Improved user's privacy when navigating on external links
Improved SEO (sequential headings, anchor descriptions, image descriptions)
Improved accessibility (footer elements now have descriptive text for screen readers)
Improved the crawling performance by using the HTTP/2 protocol when fetching URLs
Updated all the dependencies to their latest versions
Updated the versioning system to major versions only
Fixed the UTM Builder Tool result generating incorrect parameter names
Fixed the WHOIS Lookup Tool not having Captcha protection
Fixed the usage number on Account Plan page not being formatted
Fixed current date time references potentially not being the same across a page load
Fixed the Reports not being deleted when a User is deleted
Other minor improvements
2.0.0 - 24.01.2023
Improved the UI for the Pricing Plans
Fixed the UTM Builder Tool requiring all fields to be present when generating an URL
Fixed the non white-label reports having wrong URL value when printing or saving the reports
Fixed the Payments filter not including Cancelled payments when searching by Invoice ID
Other minor improvements
1.9.0 - 16.01.2023
Added new Plan feature: Branded Reports
Added new Plan feature: White-label Reports
Added new Plan feature: Research Tools
Added new Plan feature: Developer Tools
Added new Plan feature: Content Tools
Added new Plan feature: Data Export
Added new Plan feature: API
Added the Plan features under the User Plan section
Added translation ability for the Announcements content
Improved the Reports Export functionality (added the ID column to the exported data)
Improved the Cron Job command (added additional parameter to prevent file creation on some servers)
Updated all the dependencies to their latest versions
Fixed several elements not being rendered correctly while on Dark Mode
Fixed the Copy button for the Lorem Ipsum Generator Tool not working
Fixed an issue when submitting empty data to the HTML, JS and CSS minifier Tools
Fixed an issue preventing pages from being fetched when a BOM character was present
Other minor improvements
1.8.0 - 17.10.2022
Added Tools feature section on the Home page
Added Search functionality to the Tools section
Added Related Tools section on every Tool page
Added the ability to enable the Tools to be used by Guest users
Added new Tool: Domain IP Lookup
Added new Tool: Reverse IP Lookup
Added new Tool: Redirect Checker
Added new Tool: IDN Converter
Added new Tool: UTM Builder
Added new Tool: JSON Validator
Added new Tool: Binary Converter
Added new Tool: Text Replacer
Added new Tool: Number Generator
Improved accessibility on SEO reports (passed tests are now marked with a checkmark)
Improved the Tag Remover Tool (now Text cleaner): added spaces and line breaks cleaners
Improved the API key length (increased to 64 characters)
Fixed parsing image links when fetching sitemaps
Other minor improvements
1.7.0 - 18.07.2022
Added new Tool: Word Density Counter
Added new Tool: Tag Remover
Added new Tool: Text Reverser
Improved the cron jobs system (added ability to add unlimited tasks)
Other minor improvements
1.6.0 - 07.07.2022
Fixed the Copy button from SERP Checker Tool not working
Fixed minimum requirements check during the Installation process not being updated
Other minor improvements
1.5.0 - 24.06.2022
Added new payment gateway: Paystack (checkout using a credit card)
Added new payment gateway: Razorpay (checkout using a credit card)
Added new payment gateway: Crypto.com (checkout using a cryptocurrency)
Added new SEO report test: Server Signature
Added new SEO report test: Mixed Content
Added new SEO report test: Unsafe Cross-Origin Links
Added new Tool: Color Converter
Added new Tool: URL Parser
Added new Tool: UUID Generator
Added Two-factor Authentication system
Added Webhooks on User Store, Update, and Delete events
Added the ability to add both light and dark mode logos
Added the ability to create coupons with unlimited quantity number
Improved the HTTP Requests SEO report test: video and audio requests are now included
Improved the dark mode
Updated all the dependencies to their latest versions
Fixed an issue that could cause Payments and Invoices to be duplicated
Fixed an issue that would immediately remove the User's plan features after cancellation
Other minor improvements
1.4.0 - 21.04.2022
Added new Tool: Keyword Research
Added the ability to fetch sitemap links that are not necessarily ending with XML format
Added the ability to enable detailed Reports on Export or Print
Added the ability to set the Plan's position on the Pricing listings
Added the ability to set custom CSS code based on the color scheme
Added the ability to customize the Crawler's User-Agent
Fixed the Plans not ending when being cancelled on Stripe and PayPal
Fixed external requests timeout limit not working as expected
Fixed an issue causing external resources to be linked as an internal resources in SEO reports
Other minor improvements
1.3.0 - 04.03.2022
Added Sitemap Crawling capability
Added Proxy support for the external requests of Reports and Tools
Added new Tool: HTML Minifier
Added new Tool: CSS Minifier
Added new Tool: JS Minifier
Added the ability to set the default country for SERP and Indexed Pages checkers
Improved the Title Tag test (checks against multiple title tags)
Improved the SEO Friendly URL test (keywords are now in string matched)
Improved the iconography
Improved the color scheme
Updated all the dependencies to their latest versions
Fixed the Clean Cronjob not being logged
Fixed the Word Counter Tool not ignoring punctuation
Fixed the Base64 Converter Tool not working due to wrong route settings
Fixed an issue that would prevent generating reports when image names would contain certain characters
Other minor improvements
1.2.0 - 01.02.2022
Added new Tool: SERP Checker
Added new Tool: Indexed Pages Checker
Added new Tool: Keyword Generator
Added new Tool: Website Status Checker
Added new Tool: SSL Checker
Added new Tool: WHOIS Lookup
Added new Tool: DNS Lookup
Added new Tool: User-Agent Parser
Improved the SEO by setting proper headings for each page
Fixed the Reports API endpoint results not including the result score
Fixed the Password generator copy button not working
Fixed the Lorem Ipsum generator copy button not working
Fixed the Tool Ads not applying the Ad codes on the Tool's page
Other minor improvements
1.1.0 - 18.01.2022
Added Projects section
Added Tools section
Added QR Generator Tool
Added Password Generator Tool
Added URL Converter Tool
Added Base64 Converter Tool
Added What is my Browser Tool
Added What is my IP Tool
Added IP Lookup Tool
Added MD5 Generator Tool
Added Lorem Ipsum Generator Tool
Added Word Counter Tool
Added Case Converter Tool
Added Text to Slug Tool
Added the ability to set a custom brand when printing or saving Reports
Added the ability to set the default privacy option when creating new Reports
Added data export in CSV format for Projects
Improved the color scheme
Improved the dark mode
Improved the SEO capabilities side-wide by adding in-file head tags for all public pages
Fixed the API Documentation URL path not pointing to the correct location
Other minor improvements
Last updated